Privacy Policy for Aeon Color

When you make your one time purchase of  Aeon Color, rest assured that  your privacy is our top priority, and we believe in keeping things simple and transparent. We’re excited to let you know that we don’t collect any data from you while you’re using our app. That’s right—absolutely zero! Your creative experience with Aeon Color is all about you, your images, and your artistic expression, without any strings attached.

When you use Aeon Color to supercharge your design process the results are stored on your local machine, always. We don’t peek at them, store them, or even glance their way. Your creativity is your own, and we respect that 100%. Whatever you create within the app stays right on your device, and we’ll never claim any rights over your color conquests!

We’re committed to providing a worry-free environment where you can unleash your creativity without concerns about privacy. Since we don’t collect any personal information or data, there’s nothing for us to share, sell, or disclose to anyone. Your experience is purely between you and Aeon Color—no third parties involved.

So go ahead, dive into the world of Aeon Color, and let your imagination run wild! We’re here to make sure you have a fun, friendly, and safe space to explore your creativity, with total peace of mind. Happy creating!